Integrating Google Text-to-Speech API in React Native Apps

Adarsh Dayanand
Mobile App Circular
3 min readApr 16, 2024


In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll explore the seamless integration of Google’s Text-to-Speech (TTS) API into React Native applications. By following these steps, you can enrich your app’s user experience and accessibility while boosting its search engine optimization (SEO) potential.

Setting Up Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project

  1. Create a GCP Project: Start by setting up a project on the Google Cloud Platform. This step is crucial for gaining access to the Text-to-Speech API.
  2. Enable Text-to-Speech API: Within the GCP Console, activate the Text-to-Speech API to obtain the necessary credentials and permissions.
  3. Generate API Key: Generate an API key to authenticate requests from your React Native app. Safeguard this key to ensure secure access to the API.

Implementing the React Native Application

Let’s delve into the practical implementation steps within your React Native app, ensuring both functionality and SEO optimization.

  1. Install Essential Dependencies: Install vital dependencies such as Axios for HTTP requests and React Native File System (RNFS) for file manipulation.
  2. Construct Text-to-Speech Request: Develop a function to create the request payload for the Text-to-Speech API. This payload includes parameters like input text, language, and preferred audio encoding.
  3. Send API Requests: Utilize Axios to send POST requests to the Text-to-Speech API endpoint. Ensure the inclusion of your API key in the request URL for authentication purposes.
  4. Handle API Responses: Upon receiving successful responses, save the synthesized audio content to a local file using RNFS. Implement error handling to gracefully manage any failures during the API request process.

Example Implementation

Below is a concise example illustrating the integration of Google’s Text-to-Speech API into a React Native application

// Import necessary libraries
import axios from 'axios';
import Sound from 'react-native-sound';
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';

// Text to speech
const [speaking, setSpeaking] = useState(false);
let speech;
let timer;

// Function to handle Text-to-Speech API call
const speechToText = async (text, language) => {
const key = YOUR_API_KEY; // Replace with your actual API key
const address = `${key}`;
const payload = createRequest(text, language);
const path = `${RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath}/voice.mp3`;

try {
// Send POST request to Text-to-Speech API
const response = await, payload);
const result = await;

// Save audio content to local file
await RNFS.writeFile(path, result.audioContent, 'base64');

// Initiate playback of synthesized speech
} catch (err) {

// Function to play synthesized speech
const playMusic = (music) => {
const speech = new Sound(music, '', (error) => {
if (error) {
console.warn('Failed to load the sound', error);
// Start playback;
// Function to create Text-to-Speech request payload
const createRequest = (text, language) => ({
input: {
voice: {
languageCode: language,
// Customize voice parameters for enhanced SEO
// Example: 'en-US-Wavenet-A' for English
audioConfig: {
audioEncoding: 'MP3',


By seamlessly integrating Google’s Text-to-Speech API into your React Native app, you can elevate user engagement and accessibility while simultaneously optimizing your app for improved search engine visibility. Follow these steps diligently, incorporating SEO best practices throughout the implementation process, to ensure a robust and discover-able app presence.



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